Game Of Thrones S08E03: How the Night King should have been defeated?
Game Of Thrones S08E03: How the Night King should have been defeated? Many are unhappy that Arya killed the Night King and not Jon Snow. I am not. I loved that it was Arya and her training paid off. Many are unhappy that she did it very easily. Here I am unhappy too. So much build up of Night King to die like that. Everything else has been shown perfectly, but the last 10-20 seconds spoiled the whole thing. Let's rewrite a more sensible ending for the S08E03. When the Night King entered the Godswood, there were only two white walkers present. He comes and stands in front of Bran. Jon is trying to defend himself from the wight dragon and shout "Go", which happened. A white walker enters the Godswood and stands beside the other walkers. A walker feels a breeze and sees to his left to the walker who just came, but there was no one. When the Night King removes his sword and attempts to kill Bran, a white walker jumps to him with a dagger. Night King turns and holds th...