The 12 Balls Problem
Guys I am back with an old real life problem, which is not yet solved. As the name of the blog says, its obviously about the 12 Balls Problem. But this blog is not just about the famous mathematical problem. This blog is about the problem this mathematical problem created in my life. The actual 12 balls problem obviously has solution. Click the link for Solution . I had a friend Murli in Onmobile Bangalore mentioned in another of my posts Swimming and KLPD Switch . He was the most intelligent friend I had. Everyone even believed in his intelligence. But h e had superiority complex with others. He wanted everyone to accept that he is better than them. Many did, so did I, to keep the environment of the group healthy. Murli and I were sort of bully in the office group. I was sensitive to some extent. I made sure nobody was hurt in the process. But Murli wasn't. ...