And they think Indians play politics

Sorry Americans in the very beginning, but I am having a very hard time working with you guys.

        I joined this company (MNC) 3 months ago. The project I was assigned to, is the first project of the company, which was driven stand-alone from India. So it is a matter of prestige to finish the project on time. My team consisting of 6 developers, 4 quality analysts, one architect and one manager, who is scrum master as well, are working very hard to finish the project on time. The architect and 2 senior developers, including me, are new in this company. We have very limited knowledge of the legacy services, codes and database tables. Even after so many hurdles, we kept the sprints on timeline.
        Then came another architect into picture, who from US, introduced a new technology (react js) in the UI part of project. It has been more than a month, the technology was introduced, yet no one is able to work on it properly. The deadline had to be pushed a month ahead. 2 sprints went without much deliverable. That US architect put himself as a commander of the team and made us to put him in all the code reviews. He blocked all our codes from going into testing. He published comments when it was non-working time in India and we worked on it the other day. One of my major piece of code X was not approved by him for around 2 weeks. I was even stuck with that for most of my time, mainly due to time syncing between the timezones. I have a habit of working late hours. Before that I never had interacted with him. But at the end of the a week, I worked late night and began pushing him for approval. That piece of code got approved but by the end of it, we changed design in the mean time. That changes are getting incorporated step by step.
        The US architect started questioning us in every single bit of code. More than 90% of them were worthless. Look and feel of the code and not the design or performance. All of the team in India were frustrated with him, but no one dared to tell him. Due to architectural limitations, the design we were working on till now was put into reconsideration. Check Limitations of NoSQL for details. He is now making us do the complete refactoring of the codes from scratch. The new design did not fit in the scenario. I and the other senior developer are strictly against the design. Then he himself suggested the design which is actually going on in the project. The refactoring code seems a waste of our time, but he someway will keep us to finish the refactoring to a better looking code.
        There is a guy in US, who is doing a small task since 2 weeks and still this architect is shielding him from getting questioned. But our architect here and the team lead are not doing the same, not even taking any stand. We have to step in to answer ourselves.
        Last Thursday, the architect in US scheduled a meeting with me, the other senior developer, the team lead, the architect in India and the manager from India and himself, the DBAs and the VP from US. Checking the schedule of the architect in India, the VP in India joined the meeting without notice. That day was the last day I kept my cool. The senior developer and the architect in India left early that day and I wasn't aware of the agenda of the meeting. The meeting was going something weird that day. I was not able to grasp what the US guys were asking. Finally by the end of the meeting I realized they are asking about the same piece of code I wrote which the architect in US did not approve for 2 weeks. That too not the design part of it, but the signature part. When I started explaining the VP in US asked me to document the complete signature of each part of the code what it does, what tables in DBs it touch. That seemed ok from VP point of view. But today we documented the signatures, there was a meeting to discuss the documentation. The signatures were checked and nothing concrete came out of the 2 hours meeting.
        Now I am too frustrated with that guy that I will straight refuse in front of my manager if he asks me to do anything again.


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