Hectic Switch

I have been in OnMobile for 2 years but I never felt so important yet confused. I was nobody till now but now when I am leaving I feel like I am the most important person in OnMobile. Geo, my senior manager, is talking to me almost every day half an hour just to convince me stay, using infinite reasons I find immaterial. But Geo can’t do anything about it. His hands are tied because monetary factor is not in his hand. Kamal SBU head, who has the power to decide the remunerations, talked to me about two and half hour one day discussing pros and cons of start-ups(hoopos.com) and well-established companies(like OnMobile). Even after so many talks, I wasn’t convinced the OnMobile is a place for a guy like me.
I have spent several restless days and several sleepless nights just thinking about this. Now when it’s decided that I am leaving, I have been put upon so much work that will take too much of my time, again leading to restless days and sleepless nights. Team is short of people to work. So they can’t make any backup plans to relieve me as soon as possible.
I have no experience of switching company as OnMobile is my first company. Had to listen to everything everyone wants so that relationship remains intact even if I leave the company. IT industry is such a small place like Goa that anyone can meet anyone anywhere. Let’s see am I able to cope up with all the necessary requirements and responsibilities before leaving. This is for sure; it’s going to be hectic.


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