Maha Kanjoos

        We formed team of 5 young guys in Lean Startup Machine Workshop. Ayushman, Amber, Sunny, Vaibhav and I (Deepak). Ayushman and Amber are friends working on an idea. Sunny is in sales and is very good at it. Vaibhav is in college and I am a techie. We 5 formed a group to convert the idea into something worth presenting. This article is not about the idea or how we presented it. So coming directly to the story.
        We were asked to go out of the building and interact with people about the idea. But this idea is B2B, so we just went to a cafe and sat there for an hour. Ayushman ordered a plate of garlic bread and rest of us ordered an ice tea each. By the time our order came, we were all badly hungry. Ayushman's dish had 5 garlic bread pieces. Amber and Sunny took 1 piece each from the plate. Vaibhav and I did not. We thought that we are having our ice teas and if we put our hands in his plate, he will get only 1 piece. So Vaibhav and I silently had our ice teas. Ayushman got 3 pieces. When the bill arrived I saw hesitation in everyone's face to pay. So I paid without hesitation 1050, 200 each of 4 ice teas and 250 of garlic bread.
        Next day when workshop finished, we lost and we were about to separate, Ayushman himself raised the topic of settling the bill amount. He might have thought that if he did not, I will ask for sure. But if he had not reminded, I would not have asked myself. I suggested let's divide equally but Ayushman opposed. He said everyone pays what they had. Fair enough. Vaibhav gave 200 for the ice tea and went to chat with other groups. Amber did not come that day. So Ayushman paid for his ice tea 200. Then when it came to Ayushman amount it was 100, instead of 250; and the reason he gave was because he had only 2 garlic bread pieces. First of all I knew he had 3 but I did not point out because it would sound cheap if I said that I was counting. Secondly, it would sound even more cheap if we discussed who had the one piece. This garlic bread pieces made Sunny pay 250, 200 for ice tea and 50 for a garlic bread piece. I knew 2 garlic bread pieces amount are missing. Also Ayushman did not pay for the one garlic bread piece Amber had. But I kept quiet because we used cars of Ayushman and Amber in the 2 days, which was something everyone ignored. So the 2 garlic bread pieces was their petrol pay off.
        Ayushman is an energetic and sophisticated person. It was so difficult to guess before this incident that he would be such a big Kanjoos (miser). I decided, after the workshop if Ayushman asks me to work with him, I will refuse. Luckily he did not ask. Luckily because refusing anyone for anything had been the most difficult thing for me throughout my life.


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