First Night in Bangalore and became TVF Pitchers Writer

After returning to Bangalore after more than 2 years, first day I with my 2 co-founders Rohit and Sumit spent in searching for PG and we got one in JP Nagar Phase 6. At night, Sumit slept early, but I and Rohit did not. At night 2AM, I and Rohit were in a mood to have tea. So we left the PG in search of tea. We asked a auto driver where can we get tea, he pointed in a direction towards Jayanagar. We started walking towards Jayanagar.
After a kilometer, a drunk guy stopped us and started asking questions.
Hi, I am Madhusudan. Do you watch movies? What kind of movies you like? Blah Blah. I am writing a story and wanted to know how people (like we 2) behave at night. My story is a action thriller about a shootout in 24A Main Hotel.
Madhusudan was too drunk to stand or keep his hands still. Rohit was not comfortable at all and was not entertaining him but I was. I welcomed his questions completely for fun. After he told his story, I told him that I wrote a story in college and mailed it to several producers directors and after 7 years a movie interstellar had come which is similar to my story. I suggested him not to share his stories this way. They get stolen easily. He then started trying to induce some passion in me. I told him that I write blogs and I have written a novel as well but did not publish it because I don't have time to rewrite it. He got very much interested in me and asked me about the novel. I just told him it's a sci-fi.
Rohit interrupted to ask where can we find tea this time of night. He knew a place the tea guy comes almost every night. Then we walked with him to that place. There were many guys waiting for the tea guy but the tea guy had ran away because of police. Madhusudan offered us cigarette, if we wanted that. I took one of the cigarette from his packet and had it. Then we started walking towards our PG with him and towards his place as well. Luckily we came across the tea guy. 3 of us had tea and cigarettes. I gave Madhusudan my card.
After having tea and cigarettes, Rohit also start talking. Rohit suddenly came up with an idea for a story and told Madhusudan and me. Idea was very good but needed lot of thinking. Madhusudan though he did not understand the idea probably because he was drunk; but kept praising the idea because he assumed it must be good. Then I gave an idea of a story, infact a story. Madhusudan became fan of us.
3 of us were very comfortable now. I asked Madhusudan, have he seen TVF Qtiyapa. He said he is a big fan and really big fan of TVF Pitchers. Rohit, for fun, said that He and I are the writers of TVF Pitchers. And he started laughing. Madhusudan was shocked but did not understand whether it was a joke or truth. Rohit said we are joking. Madhusudan relaxed and said he was shocked at this.
I poked Rohit not to say anything further. Then I told Madhusudan that Rohit was saying the truth. Madhusudan got confused again, again probably because he was drunk. I continued.
We wrote TVF Pitchers and TVF Permanent Roommates. Currently we are working on Permanent Roommates 2. You can go and check the TVF videos, you will find our names.
Madhusudan shocked again.
I will definitely go and see them again. Please come to my place.
We are in hurry right now but you can go home and check. You don't need to check the complete video. Just the credits part. You will find our names in writers.
Then something stuck me that the name of Raghu in Rowdies Qtiyapa is also Deepak Mishra and he is almost in every of the TVF acts. That made my confidence in this prank too high. I opened wikipedia page of TVF on my mobile and showed him the name Deepak Kumar Mishra. He matched it with the name in my card, which I gave him a few minutes back. He insisted us to come to his place. But we maintained that we are in a hurry and left.
It was 4AM by then and a tea shop opened in JP Nagar. Rohit and I were having tea there. Madhusudan called and asked for the wikipedia page link and I Whatsapped him the link.
Then Rohit admitted he wasn't comfortable in the beginning with Madhusudan. If I weren't there he would have stopped to talk to Madhusudan.
I said I was comfortable with him but this doesn't mean I was not conscious. Every 15-30 seconds I checked if there are any more people coming from any side, so that if this Madhusudan would have been with a robbers gang, we could run whenever we find anything skeptical. Also I asked him that did he not notice that I purposefully smoked the cigarette Madhusudan gave all alone. So that if Madhusudan had adulterated the cigarette, at least one of us would be there to run and call police. And not accepting the cigarette would dishearten him if he was a genuine guy, that we found out at the end.
The first night in Bangalore became fun. We met a writer, heard his story, told him our stories, made up new stories and fooled him to believe we are TVF writers. He whatsapped me after a week. But I am not sure he still believes we are the TVF writers.


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