Be Good Do Good

        I am not a Nirankari but views probably are same.

        Today I read another shared post on Facebook in which Muhammad Ali quotes, "The day I met Islam, I found a power within myself that no man could destroy or take away". Well said bro.
        Why did you need Islam to be powerful? You had the power within. How can someone from the sky or following someone already dead bring it out, when you yourself can't?

        Few days ago, I received a Whatsapp post from my sister about Ram being an example for being good. I had a long argument with her on this belief.

        For GOD sake, we all know he killed Raavan and got his wife from him and later abandoned her into the jungle when she was pregnant. He even took Agni Pariksha of his wife to confirm her purity. Would she have been wrong if she would have failed the Apni Pariksha? No kidnapper kidnaps the victim to worship her. If she would have raped by Raavan, how is she wrong in that. Why did Ram rescue Seeta from Raavan in the first place then? Probably just to satisfy his ego. How can Ram be good?

One doesn't need a Ram to be good.
One doesn't need a Seeta to be pure.
One doesn't need a Geeta to know what's right.
One doesn't need preaching to tell you how to find salvation.
One doesn't need a religion to show you the way to heaven.
One doesn't need a religion to make you powerful.
One doesn't need a religion to have an existence.
One doesn't need a religion to not be a savage.

        I am Hindu by birth. I love what my religion says. But whatever it says I know it already. Even all religion say the same thing. If I do good to impress the gods, what use is it for. I better do good to impress my parents, my kids and people around me. I better do good to encourage them to do good.

        I haven't seen god or haven't been dead yet to know Heaven or Hell. All I know I live among humans like me. They deserve to be treated the way I want them to treat me. They deserve to be helped the way I want them to help me. Everything is give and take.

        Modi need to start Swachh Bharat to keep the country clean. We should ourselves be clean. We need not have to even pay tax. May be Swachh Bharat someday become a new religion to keep Indians clean. Almost every religion has evolved this way and for the same purpose, basically to restrict us from becoming savages.


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