Configure Dongle in Mac

  1. Insert your Dongle
  2. Go to Network Preferences from WiFi icon or from System Preferences and then Network
  3. Click on Add or plus symbol (+) to open Create Interface Popup
  4. Select Interface as HUAWEIMobile- and give a Service Name like 3G Dongle and click Create
  5. Select Configuration as Default and set Telephone Number as *99#
  6. Click on Advanced to open Advanced Options
  7. In Modem tab, select Vendor as GenericModel as GPRS (GSM/3G) and set APN as www
  8. In DNS tab, add 2 DNS Servers, by clicking on plus (+) and putting the IP address and Enter, one by one, and
  9. Click Ok and then Apply and then Connect
  10. Now WAIT till you see Sent signal green, Received signal green and IP Address set
  11. Now you are connected; do whatever you want
  12. After configuring once, whenever you want to connect, just insert the Dongle, go to Network Preferences, select the service and click Connect
Courtesy: Pranav Rao

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